When I knew Griffin was going to be overdue I began hoping beyond all rational reason that he would be born on Pi Day (that's 3.14 for you non-mathematical fans out there). The complete nerd in me wishes he had been born in 2015, but I'll have to let that go. Anyways, as God would have it, he was born on March 14th and I had my Pi baby. I hope he likes actual pie because it's probably going to be a thing on his birthday every year.
All that to say, I wanted to make some sort of t-shirt for us to wear while he is going through his latest battle; and while I was trying to find a design for it I began to think about his birthday and the rich symbolism that circles have, as they will forever be a theme in his life. They are omnipresent and it shows us in physical form the concepts of unity, wholeness, spirituality, and life. It has no beginning and no end. It's seamless and unassuming on the surface, yet complex in the depth of its meaning. It is perfection and everlasting.
That Griffin would be born on such a day, with such a symbol, with as many problems as he has, would seem almost cruel at first glance. If you asked one of his doctors or nurses on one of his bad days, there is very little that is whole about him right now, and so a circle is not fitting.
But I know better - because Griffin's tiny and complex heart has made mine whole in a way it wasn't before. His fragile new life has made my family complete and unified in a way it was not before. His battles that he has and will face going forward have shown me the endless need for grace, mercy, and faith in a Savior, in a way I did not know them fully before. Because I now count on the infinite and everlasting in a way I never have before. Because, as a circle, there is a mass of prayer and supporters that surround him and cheer him on. Because no matter how his pieces were put together, they were done so perfectly and as intended. Because, like Griffin's heart, it is infallible and unbreakable.
If I didn't love Pi day before, I certainly do now.
Photo by Maksim from Pexels
**For those wondering about the shirt and if/how they can get one, it's in the works and I will share soon!**